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Cogent Consulting Group
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Writer's pictureTrevor Dale

We Use Too Much Toilet Paper: A Lesson in Resource Stewardship

As a business analyst and leader, I spend my days dissecting processes, identifying inefficiencies, and optimizing systems.  Lately, however, my analytical lens has landed on something rather unexpected: toilet paper.  Now, hear me out.  It might seem like a mundane topic, but the sheer volume of toilet paper we consume serves as a powerful metaphor for a much larger societal issue – our insatiable appetite for "more."

Let's delve deeper.  According to Earth911, the average American consumes a whopping 141 rolls of toilet paper per year.  Imagine the environmental footprint of that statistic.  Millions of trees are pulped, billions of gallons of water utilized, and a significant amount of energy expended – all to produce a product that's used and discarded in mere seconds.

But toilet paper is just the tip of the iceberg.  Our consumption habits permeate every aspect of our lives.  We pile our plates high at buffets, only to waste half the food.  We subscribe to countless streaming services, watching shows on autopilot rather than savoring them.  We discard perfectly functional electronics for the latest upgrades, driven by a relentless pursuit of novelty over true need.  This pervasive "more-is-more" mentality simply isn't sustainable in a world facing resource scarcity and rising demand.

The solution lies not in deprivation, but in a shift in perspective.  Consider the things we take for granted in a civilized society: clean, readily-available water, reliable electricity, efficient transportation systems.  These are luxuries in many parts of the world, yet we often treat them as mere commodities to be exploited without a second thought.

The answer lies in simplicity.  By embracing a "less is more" approach, we cultivate a deeper appreciation for what we already have.  Identifying areas of overuse in our personal lives – be it the excessive squares ripped from a mega-pack or the mindless scrolling on our phones – allows us to be more intentional with how we utilize resources.

Now, let's translate this principle to the business world, where efficiency is not just a value, it's a necessity.  Leaders and organizations must gain a comprehensive understanding of the resources they utilize.  This doesn't just stop at raw materials.  Energy consumption, water usage, transportation logistics – all these factors contribute to a company's environmental footprint.

Imagine a business that manufactures toilet paper.  By analyzing their supply chain, they could discover ways to source recycled paper or bamboo-based alternatives that require less deforestation.  They could explore water-saving technologies in production, or invest in renewable energy sources to power their facilities.  These seemingly small changes, when scaled up, can have a significant impact on the company's environmental footprint and long-term sustainability.

The benefits of resource stewardship extend far beyond environmental concerns.  Increased efficiency often translates to cost savings.  A company that utilizes less water and energy has lower operating costs.  Moreover, a commitment to sustainability resonates with a growing number of environmentally conscious consumers.  Businesses that demonstrate responsible resource management cultivate a positive brand reputation and gain a competitive edge.

Where Does Continuous Improvement Fit In?

Continuous improvement isn't just a management fad; it's the key to long-term business success.  Leaders who actively seek opportunities for optimization, whether in resource utilization, production processes, or toilet paper management, are better positioned to navigate a changing market and a resource-constrained world.

So, let's go through a few explanations. First, what is a resource? A resource is people, processes, or tools that a business uses in order to do its business. People are resources, technology is a resource, energy is a resource and yes, even toilet paper is a resource. Continue improvement is just as it says. The effort to focus on continually improving. Now how do we do this? This is where we get into the details.

Continuous improvement isn't about a one-time fix. It's a philosophy of constantly seeking ways to optimize processes, resources, and outcomes. Imagine a never-ending cycle of analyze, improve, implement, and repeat. By making small, incremental changes over time, businesses can achieve significant gains in efficiency, cost savings, and overall performance. It's about fostering a culture of innovation and a relentless pursuit of "better."

Continuous improvement (CI) is measured by quantifying operations and performance. That's about the simplest way I can put it. Depending on what methodology you follow, you can see continuous improvement in six sigma and and lean principles. Both are widely used by businesses across the world. The most important piece of continuous improvement is to know where you are, and know where you're going. Continuous improvement is the incremental steps that you need to measure, showing that you are on the right trajectory to get there. More on CI HERE

So, how can we, as a society, move towards a more sustainable future?  It starts with recognizing and appreciating the resources we have.  Imagine a future where toilet paper becomes a luxury used consciously, not a disposable commodity.  This shift in mindset extends to all areas of life, from the way we consume food and energy to the products we buy and discard.  

This journey starts with individual action.  Here are some practical steps we can implement in our daily lives:

  • Challenge the "more-is-more" mentality. Do you really need that jumbo pack of toilet paper?  Could you source a smaller, recycled option?  The same principle applies to everything from groceries to clothing.

  • Embrace minimalism.  Declutter your physical and digital space.  Focus on experiences over possessions.

  • Be mindful of your consumption.  Consider the lifecycle of a product before you buy it.  Can you repair it, reuse it, or find a more sustainable alternative?

  • Support companies committed to sustainability.  Look for businesses that prioritize responsible sourcing, eco-friendly practices, and transparent supply chains.

Collectively, these actions can create a ripple effect.  As consumer preferences shift towards sustainability, businesses will be incentivized to adapt.  They'll invest in research and development to create more efficient products and processes.  Sustainable practices will become the norm, not the exception.

Furthermore, this shift in consumer behavior will send a powerful message to policymakers.  Governments will be pressured to implement policies that promote resource conservation.  Imagine tax breaks for businesses utilizing renewable energy or incentives for consumers to purchase eco-friendly products.  Regulations aimed at reducing waste and promoting responsible production practices will become commonplace.

Ultimately, a sustainable future hinges on a collective effort.  By recognizing the value of resources, embracing mindful consumption, and holding businesses and governments accountable, we can create a world where "less is more" isn't just a slogan, but a way of life.  It's a future where toilet paper becomes a symbol of responsible consumption, used with intention and appreciation,  a future where we leave a legacy of environmental stewardship for generations to come.  Let's start the conversation, one square at a time.

The Business Case for Resource Stewardship

Let's move beyond the environmental benefits and delve deeper into the compelling business case for resource stewardship.  Imagine a company that operates with the mantra "less is more" ingrained in its DNA.  This doesn't translate to skimping on quality or compromising on customer satisfaction.  Instead, it's about optimizing processes, minimizing waste, and maximizing efficiency – all leading to a healthier bottom line.

Cost Savings: Every resource a company utilizes has a cost associated with it.  From raw materials to energy consumption, these costs can significantly impact profitability.  Resource stewardship encourages businesses to analyze their processes and identify areas where resources are being overused or wasted.  Imagine a manufacturing plant that implements lean manufacturing principles, reducing material waste and optimizing production lines.  This translates to significant cost savings on raw materials, labor, and energy.

Innovation & New Revenue Streams:  By focusing on resource efficiency, businesses are often driven to innovate.  A company that explores ways to reduce water usage in production might stumble upon a new, more efficient filtration system.  This innovation not only saves the company money but also creates a potentially lucrative new product line.  Similarly, a focus on minimizing packaging waste could lead to the development of sustainable, reusable packaging solutions – a differentiator in the market and a potential revenue stream.

Supply Chain Optimization:  Resource stewardship extends beyond a company's internal operations.  By collaborating with suppliers who prioritize responsible sourcing and sustainable practices, businesses can ensure a reliable and cost-effective supply chain.  Imagine a clothing company that partners with cotton farms utilizing water-saving irrigation techniques.  This not only reduces the company's environmental footprint but also mitigates risks associated with water scarcity and potential disruptions in the supply chain.

Enhanced Brand Reputation:  Consumers are increasingly environmentally conscious and socially responsible.  Businesses that demonstrate a commitment to resource stewardship cultivate a positive brand image.  This translates to increased brand loyalty, attracting new customers who value sustainability, and potentially commanding a premium price for eco-friendly products or services.

Competitive Advantage:  In an increasingly crowded marketplace, resource efficiency can be a significant differentiator.  Companies that can demonstrate lower operating costs, a streamlined supply chain, and a commitment to sustainability stand out from the competition.  This translates to a competitive edge in attracting talent, securing funding, and navigating a changing market landscape.

The Future of Business is Resourceful

The message is clear: resource stewardship isn't just good for the planet, it's good for business.  By embracing a "less is more" philosophy, businesses can unlock a range of benefits – from cost savings and innovation to a stronger brand reputation and a competitive advantage.  In a world facing resource scarcity and rising demand, resource stewardship isn't just a trend – it's the future of business success.


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